Greg Askell appointed VLS Head of Operational Service Delivery

We are delighted to announce Greg Askell in the new role of Head of Operational Service Delivery. The role involves overseeing our nine workshops and our external maintenance supplier network and with direct reports from our Service Managers. Key features of the role include providing senior leadership and strategic direction for the maintenance policy and maintenance service provision areas of the business. Greg will also oversee activity and policy within our own nine workshops and our external maintenance service providers, ensuring all sites are working safely and within company policy, and to seek constant improvement.

Greg said “I am delighted to be appointed to the role and am very much looking forward to the challenge of looking to continuously improve the delivery of our maintenance services. Whether it concerns our own in-house workshop activity or that provided by our external maintenance partners, we are committed to ensuring that we provide and constantly develop the technical expertise required in managing our large, and very varied, fleets.”

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