VLS Achieves Re-Certification to Cyber Essentials Plus Standard and ISO27001 certification

Closed Door Security cyber experts have re-certified VLS to the IASME Cyber Essentials Plus standard after several weeks of assessment work. Retaining this certification demonstrates that VLS continues to maintain robust information security controls to protect its systems and data. This is of critical importance for us and forms an integral part of our Information… Continue reading VLS Achieves Re-Certification to Cyber Essentials Plus Standard and ISO27001 certification

Greg Askell appointed VLS Head of Operational Service Delivery

We are delighted to announce Greg Askell in the new role of Head of Operational Service Delivery. The role involves overseeing our nine workshops and our external maintenance supplier network and with direct reports from our Service Managers. Key features of the role include providing senior leadership and strategic direction for the maintenance policy and… Continue reading Greg Askell appointed VLS Head of Operational Service Delivery

Northern Powergrid (NPg) expands its specialist digger derrick fleet

This digger derrick is a highly specialised insulated articulated unit, and the second of its type to be commissioned in NPg and was delivered earlier this month. VLS contract manager, Paul Hankey, explains “Following the successful introduction of the first of these asset types in October 2018. We placed the order for another highly specialised… Continue reading Northern Powergrid (NPg) expands its specialist digger derrick fleet

VLS re-win Northern Gas Network’s contract for the provision of fleet management services

Northern Gas Networks (NGN) is the company responsible for the distribution of gas to 2.7 million homes and businesses in the North East, Northern Cumbria and much of Yorkshire via 37,000 km of pipelines. In delivering this vital function, NGN own and operate a fleet of commercial vehicles and plant assets of around 800, for… Continue reading VLS re-win Northern Gas Network’s contract for the provision of fleet management services

New impressive tipper grabs arrive for the Water Network Maintenance teams

VLS delivered three new impressive specialist MAN 26t 6×4 Tipper Grabs for use by Northumbrian Water last month. The VLS Commercial team worked closely with representatives from NWL’s Water Network Maintenance team to develop the specification for these new vehicles, which have replaced three older vehicles. One of the main requirements was to harness any… Continue reading New impressive tipper grabs arrive for the Water Network Maintenance teams